Thursday 28 May 2015

Body Confidence.

Hello my loves!

Gosh it has been a whole month since I last wrote a blog post.. I may have accidently broken my laptop again; but soon I will have a new one, it's difficult to write at college due to exams at the moment so blogposts may be sparse until I finish.

This aside I wanted to talk about Summer & body confidence.

Last Summer was a struggle for me, I didn't feel cute in what I was wearing; or confident enough to show any skin.. Although I did, I remember hating every single minute of it, I felt insecure and that people were judging and talking about me. Here is my problem. I am a 16 year old girl, who has a large chest, large stomach & large thighs. I am a size 16. Now I am very confident in some clothes. If they skim over the stomach area or are high necked then I don't feel as bad. However Summer is always a problem for me. 

Now I know that everyone are different sizes, shapes & weights. I think that that is fantastic that two people are not the same. I also know that everyone has their insecurities about themselves. I think I am just more vocal about mine; in hope that someone may relate to it and realise they are not alone.

Something I see around Tumblr a lot is a post that says this; ' If you want a bikini body, then put a bikini on your body'. This suddenly gave me such a massive confidence boost because it sounded so simple. So I went shopping for bikinis and... well? I hated how I looked in every single one. I do not have the 'perfect' bikini body according to the media & to me, that is fine. Looking at all the bikinis that I tried on I realised that I was more confident in wearing my red and white spotty one piece (Infact I kind of love it). Yes my friends make fun of me for not wearing a bikini, but it doesn't matter. Chances are; I feel a lot more confident than everyone else because I know I don't have to worry about how I look in a bikini when I am not wearing one. 

I recently wore shorts for the first time in two years. Somebody once made a nasty comment to me about my legs when I was 15 and I lost all my confidence and never wanted to wear shorts again. It was an extremely hot day and the only other option I had at the time was Jeans (Since we were camping). I then put back on my jeans and continued to feel awful emotionally and physically for the rest of the day. So when yesterday I wore shorts I was so scared to even leave the house (which I did after a lot of looking in the mirror and telling myself I could do it). I thought people would notice the way my thighs wobbled or the fact that my legs weren't toned or tanned. I tried not to care and after about 15 minutes of self-loathing. I didn't. That was a massive step for me, but it encouraged me to wear whatever I deemed as appropriate and not care what others thought of how it looked on me. If I am happy with myself, well then screw everyone else.

So you know that thing that you don't think you can pull off? Or the thing that you're too scared to wear because you don't want to be judged. Do it anyway. Do it for you, and I promise that it doesn't matter what other people think. Afterall they're all too busy worrying about themselves, to make any nasty comments about you.

Go out, look gorgeous; and change the world.

Love Char xo

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