Saturday 30 May 2015

Bucket List.

Hello Loves, 

Recently I have massively got into creating Bucket Lists. I am a massive 'List' person; it just helps me to feel so organised. These are some of the things that I want to do in my life. Some are easier than others and some are absolute dreams of mine.

 I used to love my hair being long but it got really unhealthy and I wasn't happy with it. So I gave it the cut. Luckily my hair grows pretty quickly but in the mean time I'm trying to keep my hair in good condition.

This will come to no suprise to anyone who knows me irl. I dream of being able to play an instrument well & I fell in love with the sound of accoustic guitar a while back, so one day I will bite the bullet and get someone to teach me.

Truly I dream of going to any country abroad. However there is something so lovely about shopping abroad. They have a completely different style and it's fascinating to see. Shopping in Paris would be the cherry on the cake for me.

I've always said that I wanted to live by myself  before either getting married or getting a roomate. I don't exactly know why as I don't actually do being by myself very well at all as I can get quite scared easily. However I feel like there is something so exhilarating about an adventure like this.
 How cute would 'Rapunzel' be for a little golden retreiver?! Maybe thats just me but I kind of have a massive obsession with Disney as most of you will know. I want a Black Lab when I am older. 'Flynn Rider' is my fave male character and I think that is so fitting. Maybe I'm just being daft.. probably.
 I learnt French & German in GCSE but I was rubbish at both, I failed French but managed to pass German (HOW?!) although French was ironically my better language. I want to take up a language again as I loved learning something completely (quite literally) foreign to me.
 Like I've said before Disney is a massive part of my life... sad but true. If I feel sad then I'll sit down and put on Tangled or Hercules (My two faves) I want to go to DisneyWorld more than anything & my family and friends are more than aware as I do not shut up about it.
 I've only been on a plane twice... TWICE. For someone that wants to travel the world I haven't done a very good job. The idea of riding first class is gorgeous... unlikely to happen unless I marry rich or suddenly become very very succesful however a girl can yearn.
 Again.... there is a re-occuring theme with me. America, I just want to see America so so much. I have watched vlogs where youtubers go to universtal studios and it looks... well.... magical.
 I have this dream of being at a wedding with a boyfriend and me catching the brides bouquet and scaring the living daylights out of him. I just think it would absolutely hilarious!

This is the dream. I currently only have 3 which kind of sucks but the next on my list is 'Beauty and the Beast' due to me being obsessed with it recently. One day I shall get there!

Leave a comment below on what your bucket list is! Maybe we can share a few ideas together.
 Also I have a new Instagram account just for my blog! I didn't want to get my personal one mixed up with blog updates, so for more updates follow me on Instagram at: @charlietee98
Feel free to leave me a comment or Direct Message me :)

Go out and change the world.
Love Char xo

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