Monday 1 June 2015

2k15 cont.

Hello my loves! 

Am I the only one terrified that we are already in June?! Like we are genuinely half way through the year.. madness. So today I wanted to talk about how my 'new years resolutions' are going! I'm usually one to give them up as soon as I say that I will start them but this yeah I was determined.

1. Laugh - This was one that I set last year because of how miserable I had been at the start of college. I wanted this year to be positive & this year truthfully has! Although there has been moments where I wanted to tear my hair out with frustration (as per usual) the majority of the year so far has been extremely positive. I have definitely had some moments where I have been laughing till crying or nearly peeing myself... no really. Not my best moment but definitely one of the best!

2. Work hard - Something that actually comes naturally to me is when I put my mind to something I want it to get done and look good. Otherwise I get extremely frustrated with myself. I genuinely think I have worked as hard as I could have with coursework this year.

3. Revise - Something actually pretty foreign to me I have managed to revise for tests this year! It has actually put my mind at ease so much, if you are finding that you have a lack of motivation for studying go on tumblr and type in 'studyblr'. They are basically little cute pictures of people revising that make me jealous that they have their life in order enough to sit and revise, which makes me get into the swing of things to.

4. Excercise - Again I can hear my friends and family laughing at me using the dreaded word 'excercise' in a sentance. I usually hate excercise because it feels like work, like a chore. But when it's fun I have the time of my life and don't even think about the fact that I'm working out. I really want to get Charlotte from Geordie Shores work out DVD just because I love her attitude and allover demeanour so I feel like it would make me work harder.

5. Save money - Yeah no lets not talk about this one.... it didn't happen.

6. Make time to read more often - This is something I am genuinely good at. I love reading so much! Luckily lots of youtubers have bought out books this year so I have taken time to read them IMMENSLY. My fave at the moment is 'A work in progress' by Connor Franta. Although as soon as Dan & Phil's book comes out I can assure you that will be my new one <3

7. Stay Organised - Okay so this is an actual speciality of mine! I have to know whats going on and wether plans have changed and or cancelled. I'm not a very good spur of the moment kind of girl clearly but I love nothing more than writing lists and planning things.

8. Believe in myself - This one is usually a bit of a task for me.. but I'm getting there... slowly.. granted. But I am working in my self-confidence as much as I can. I have come a long way since last year.

9. Focus on the positive - Again something I sometimes find a bit tough at times but is becoming easier with time. It's so easy to focus on the negative however I am working on it.

10. BLOG MORE - So it was off to a good start... then not so much.... but I've started again! Whoo to new starts :)

So thats it for today my loves!
Leave a comment down below what new years resolutions you have failed or kept! Always looking for new challenges.
Until next time;

Go out and change the world.
Love Char xo

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